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Joseph Garin on 2019 List of “Top 100 Lawyers” in Las Vegas

Lipson Neilson’s Joseph Garin has been named one of Las Vegas’ Top 100 Lawyers for 2019 by My Vegas magazine. This prestigious list of is compiled from a survey of more than 100,000 readers of My Vegas magazine.

This distinction is accorded to lawyers who have demonstrated exemplary service to individuals in the Las Vegas community by providing guidance and protecting their rights.

Mr. Garin is the Managing Partner of the firm’s Las Vegas office. He is consulted nationally on the defense of professional liability claims, ethics, employment, insurance coverage disputes, director and officer claims, and risk management.

He is the former Chair and current member of the Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility to the Nevada State Bar; and a member of the Professional Liability Advisory Board for the national Claims & Litigation Management Alliance (CLM).

Mr. Garin earned a B.G.S. degree from the University of Michigan and received his J.D. degree cum laude from Michigan State University-Detroit College of Law, where he was a member of the Law Review. He is a member of the State Bar of Nevada, the State Bar of Colorado, the State Bar of Michigan and the State Bar of Illinois. He is admitted before the United States District Court the District of Nevada, the District of Colorado, the Eastern and Western District of Michigan, as well as in the Sixth and Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

About the Firm
Founded in 1985, Lipson Neilson, P.C. has offices in Las Vegas (NV), Phoenix (AZ), and Bloomfield Hills (MI). The firm is widely known for its excellence in the professional liability lines, offering invaluable insight and experience to its clients across all industries. The firm represents clients in Nevada, across the USA, and around the world.

Joseph Garin, Lipson Neilson P.C.
Phone: 702-382-1500

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