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Joe Garin Selected for Executive Counsel and Faculty of CLM’s 2019 Claims College School of Professional Lines

Joe Garin is a member of the Executive Counsel for the Claims and Litigation Management’s (CLM) prestigious 2019 Claims College, School of Professional Lines; Mr. Garin is also on the faculty of this School. This year’s College will be held September 4-7 in Baltimore, Maryland.

The School of Professional Lines faculty were all chosen for their experience and accomplishments and are charged with exposing participants to new ways of thinking and handling Professional Lines’ claims. The faculty will provide cutting-edge strategies combined with “real world” scenarios to further strengthen the learning process.

Students will learn how to best deal with the various parties involved in a Professional Lines’ claim, how to select and monitor counsel and how to effectively plan and execute the resolution of claims.

Subjects covered will include medical, legal and design professional malpractice, D&O, Cyber, EPL and FI coverages, selecting and working with experts and alternative litigation strategies, and helping the claims professional build leadership skills.

Mr. Garin is consulted nationally on the defense of professional liability claims, ethics, employment, insurance coverage disputes, director and officer claims, and risk management. He is the former Chair and current member of the Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility to the Nevada State Bar; and a member of the Professional Liability Advisory Board for the national Claims & Litigation Management Alliance (CLM).

Founded in 1985, Lipson Neilson, P.C. has offices in Las Vegas and Reno (NV), Colorado Springs (CO), Phoenix (AZ), and Bloomfield Hills (MI). The firm is widely known for its excellence in the professional liability lines, offering invaluable insight and experience to its clients across all industries.

Joe Garin, Lipson Neilson – Las Vegas
Phone: 702-382-1500

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