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Value of Phoenix Business Legal Counsel: Roles and Savings

Whether you own a business that’s large or small, you’re certain to face issues in legal, compliance, regulation, and possibly several similar areas. For many businesses, retaining the services of outside general counsel with specific experience in business law is a top tool for handling these vital business needs.

At Lipson Neilson, we’re proud to offer a huge range of business law and attorney services, including business tort and commercial litigation services, business tax law and numerous others in Phoenix and many other areas. What is the value of outside general counsel for business law needs, and which specific areas will business law attorneys assist you with? This two-part blog series will go over a primer on everything you need to know.

value business legal counsel

Basic Roles Filled by Business General Counsel Attorneys

Business attorneys are responsible for conducting legal research and providing counsel to business executives on a range of matters, including contract negotiation, acquisitions, intellectual property protection and litigation.

The role of general counsel has become even more prominent in recent years as the rapid-fire speed of technological change continues to create new challenges for businesses. General counsel’s role includes helping their organizations stay accountable to fair and equal employment opportunities, all while upholding standards of responsible use of digital technology.

A good attorney will empower you with the ability to make wise decisions quickly. You’ll then be able to spend your valuable time doing what you do best: running your business!

Our next several sections will go over the specific benefits your business will see by retaining outside business counsel.

Cost Savings

Hiring outside general counsel saves your business money in many ways. For one, an experienced attorney will handle your legal work faster than a general staff member could. Your business is also more likely to see no-cost benefits from an outside firm’s experience, including decreased risks and exposure.

In addition, outside counsel will only be paid for work they perform. This is much more affordable than hiring someone in-house and paying them a set salary.

Bringing an Outside Perspective

Another major benefit of general business counsel is the external view they bring to your business. Business attorneys can look at problems with an objective eye, allowing them to deliver clear guidance that’s not tied to your personal preferences or opinions.

Hiring outside counsel allows you to break out of the bubble and identify issues before they become serious. An attorney will provide a fresh perspective on legal concerns from your business, which is sometimes difficult for business owners who are biased due to their personal interest in the business.

For more on the value of outside business counsel for your company, or to learn about any of our services in business law, estate planning or numerous other areas in Phoenix or many other locations, speak to the staff at Lipson Neilson today.

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